Friday, October 28, 2016

"Missing Parts" by Lucinda Berry

"Now was the time for me to freak out, but I still felt nothing. Dr. Koven had just told me my daughter was suffering from a medical problem that had the potential to kill her, and I was numb. Maybe I was in shock. People responded to bad news differently all the time. I was sure any minute the emotional impact of the news would hit me. It had to. Until then, my job was to be there for David and Rori.".....

Celeste has spent her life creating it to be just the way she wants. She's married, with a daughter. She has a career. She has mom friends that meet for dinner and gossip. David stays home to care for Rori, since Celeste is at work. He handles the play dates. She also has a secret she refers to as, "That Night." Celeste seems to have a pretty good life. 

Celeste grew up without her dad and wants more for her own child. She"ll do anything to protect the life she has created. Everything is about to be on the line when Rori becomes extremely sick. Celeste's reaction to the illness creates friction between her and her husband, David. 

There were things about Celeste's character I found unusual as a parent, but not necessarily unique to moms world wide. Many can have children, not everyone should. There's a complicated connection sometimes. It's created a chasm in her marriage.

Is 4 year old Rori going to die? Will their marriage get through this trial? What lengths will Celeste go to protect her family? What happens when the details of "That Night" are finally revealed?

The story had some shocking surprises! Definitely a psychological thriller you will enjoy. What is wrong with Celeste? I developed some empathy for her along the way. What has she done? Celeste has some "Missing Parts,"and those she love will suffer for it. 

Thank you Lucinda Berry, Rise Press Publishing. 

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