Friday, January 27, 2017

"Maximus" A Harvey Nolan Thriller, Book 1

"She continued the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for a minute, but the situation did not improve. She started pounding on his chest with her first. "Harvey! Nolan! Don't. You. Dare. Die. On. Me!" Katie yelled at the cold body of Harvey, pounding his chest at each word."...........

Christina is missing. Kidnapped, along with other women. Professor Harvey Nolan is a suspect, according to the FBI. Harvey and the recently widowed Christina were friends. 

Katie Moulin is an FBI agent. Overworked with the massive amounts of drugs flowing into NYC. Katie and Harvey's lives are about to cross paths again. Her job and the missing women may be connected. 

As people around Harvey keep disappearing, and seem to be involved in illegal activities, it puts Harvey on the FBI's radar. Agents Frost and Darrow think they are following the leads that make Harvey their prime suspect. 

Harvey promised Christina's mother he'd help find her. Can he? Or will he be taking the blame for her disappearance? Maybe Katie and Harvey, together again, can put the pieces together. 

A steady pace mystery. I really like Katie's character. Harvey, the professor, was a little more reckless in his ways. I could have seen this as a "Katie Moulin Mystery Thriller Series." Thinking he could find Christina himself, he manages to be in over his head a few times. Over all a solid suspense book.

Thank you S.C. Abbey

Buy "Maximus" on Amazon: click here!

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