Monday, August 21, 2017

"Blind Jimmy and the Blind Ballerina" by Eddie Owens


"I got him outside and there wasn't a taxi in sight. Typical. I leaned him against a lamp post and lit a tab. I might as well smoke while I waited. I rang a taxi and watched as he threw up in the gutter. Oh well, at least he didn't do it in the taxi."......

This story takes place across the pond. Twenty six year old "Fat Jimmy," is a hard drinking, hard living guy by day, and a mouthy comedienne at night. He so wants to be famous that it brings out the desperation in him. His best friend Lenny, also is following the same career path, but with a little less conviction.

The story was a little rough around the edges, but no story about a hard life trying to rise to the top wouldn't be. A fall out with a former friend, costs him some rungs on that ladder to fame and fortune. "Fat Jimmy" really isn't a very nice guy, or a good friend. His view of women is kind of ugly.

The more I read, the more I disliked him. Then it took a turn, and I started to like him a little more. There is some humor throughout that made me laugh. The underlying theme though is the true story. What would you do to move up? Human nature and all its ugly sides.

When "Fat Jimmy" gets a chance at a television show, it will either make or break him. Lots of little back stories concerning his family and where he came from. Maybe he will find someone to put him on the chosen path. How will it end? Will "Fat Jimmy" find his "Blind Ballerina?" Will he find fame and fortune? In the end I actually enjoyed the overall tale.

Thank you Eddie Owens

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