Monday, April 23, 2018

"Baby Teeth" by Zoje Stage


"There were lots of pictures on the Creepy Photos website, but she'd rejected the ones where the people might be mistaken for alive. She liked the one of the women in their coffins. Or lying stiff as a board on white fabric with lacy edges. In truth, she liked the dead children best, held in their mothers arms, or in tiny coffins, or surrounded by living siblings who looked merely bored, not scared-as if death were so every-day-not-again-here's-another-one. But she wanted Mommy to see other ladies, the other mommies.

Hanna is a silent little girl. Her daddy thinks she’s perfect. Mommy knows something is wrong.

Years of trying to figure out her daughters problems are taking a toll. Hanna has a whole world going on inside her head. She’d have a perfect life, just her and her daddy, if only mommy would just go away.

Suzette is becoming worn down. She has health issues of her own. Will anyone believe that her little girl wants her dead? She’s home schooled her. She’s taken her for tests. No progress is being made. Suzette is paying the price. Maybe another special school will help Hanna.

This young child scared me. She’s like a female version of the demon child, “Damien.” Who will win this tug of war? Daddy is the prize. Hanna wants him to herself, and Suzette would like the life she had with her husband, before Hanna came along.

Just when the parents think they have the upper hand, 7 year old Hanna becomes even more clever, more evil. I’d love to see a sequel to this book. The end is open enough for another story, perhaps when Hanna is older.

Thank you Zoje Stage, Netgalley, and St. Martin’s Press.

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