“I’m a whisperer,’ he says. “I speak to the living: in their thoughts, in their hearts, and in their dreams. “It’s like a whisper to them, so quiet it’s easily missed.”
This story is told in six parts. You could read each part separately, or all together as I did. Either way you will get the most from this new novel by reading all the parts. I loved it. I loved the way it was told. I thought I was reading one story, but then another emerged. Brilliant and cleverly woven. I wrote my review in an unusual way, in parts, the way the book was written. What follows were my thoughts and ideas as I read the book.
Part 1- Deaths Door
A murdered girl, a suicide. What do they have in common? A guardian angel perhaps? A ghost walking the earth with her escort, “The Whisperer,” Michael. What has Meredith's suicide done to her mother? What about Stan, the train conductor, she involved in her suicide? Maybe she too can be a whisperer in her next life.
Part 2: The Suicide Notes
We find how Stan is doing. Is his life moving forward? Is Meredith finding her place and strengthening her power to affect the living world? Fixing some wrongs? She’s watching over several people now. Whispering what she can to help them along in their life, help them to be happier.
Part 3: The Shadow Falls
Meredith is still honing her skills at being a "Whisperer." Trying to help family and friends. In this part we get a little deeper into everyone’s back story. We learn why Meredith’s mother was so hard on her. What happened to Titch? (read the short story entitled “Titch” by the same author) Is Meredith sorry she killed herself? People and connections are starting to be made. Now it has me wondering how everyone is connected to Meredith. Are they mostly strangers, or is there a closer tie? Onto the next section.
Part 4: Box of Secrets
Meredith continues her education in "Whispering." She makes a few mistakes, and meets a new friend. Her mother’s grief is coming along. I am beginning to suspect that people are more tied together then I first thought. Not everyone is as innocent as they appear.
Part 5: Seeds of Change
Meredith watches as secrets yet to be shared are discovered. People change, or try to. A funeral, and a long ago secret. The ties that bind these people together are being slowly unraveled to Meredith and us, the reader. She’s beginning to get a feel for what she is capable of in death, and what she can do for the living. Everything is changing for all those that Meredith watches over.
Part 6: The Whisperer
Wow! As everything comes together, I found this final part the most exciting. I didn’t realize in the beginning where the story was going. Surprise! I would have never guessed the final part. I had some suspicions in the last part that some weren’t as they appeared to be. Meredith’s life wasn’t what it should have been. Maybe in death she can find the things she’d been looking for.
I found the entire story line unique and fascinating. What if? What if this is what happens to us when we leave our life? What if this is the next place? The back story of the peoples lives that Meredith watched over, played an important part overall, but I’m still intrigued with the thought of “The Whisperer.”
Thank you A. Ireland King
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